Undergraduate Orientation

Ryan Samuels

Peer Advisor


Hey guys! My name is Ryan, and I am a RUE student who transferred to Brown in 2023. I'm originally from California and have spent significant portions of my life bouncing between Los Angeles and Atlanta. Initially, I planned on obtaining a degree in Economics, but thanks in part to Brown's Open Curriculum, I'm now concentrating in Political Science and Philosophy with the hope of attending law school after graduation.

Outside of my involvement with the TRUE community, I'm the current TRUE representative for the Undergraduate Council of Students (UCS), a member of the Brown Political Union, and a member of the Non-Traditional Student Advisory Board (NSAB).

Around campus, you can usually find me studying in the Hay Library, socializing in the RUE lounge or Stonewall House, attending speaker events at the Watson Institute, or grabbing a blueberry muffin from the Blue Room (THE BEST THING ON THE MENU).

My two small pieces of advice are to (1) take advantage of all the health resources available at the Wellness Center and (2) utilize the S/NC system to take one course each semester you otherwise wouldn't have taken.